Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) was first invented in Germany in 1977 by Dr. Franz Morell and Erich Rashe. It is now the main alternative medicine in Germany and many parts of the world where alternative therapy is widely recognized and practiced.
Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) is a gentle, non invasive, drug free and painless therapy using the science of technology and the wisdom of acupuncture. The bioresonance machine uses frequency oscillations that are low, within safe frequency ranges inherent in our bodies and naturally occurring on Earth (also known as Schumann’s Resonance) to bring about healing. All life forms emits vibrational frequencies at around 10Hz and our cells responds well to frequency ranges between 1-23Hz. Our bioresonance machines are also fitted with frequencies that utilizes binaural beats, colour therapy and homeopathic remedies such as Bach Flower modules that are an inherent part of our healing therapy.
Our bioresonance machines are ISO compliant, certified and recognized as a medical device safe for diagnosis and treatment in the European countries and many other developed countries.

How Does Bioresonance Diagnose And Treat Allergies / Removes Toxic Stressors?

Bioresonance therapy uses frequencies to detect the presence or absence of any substance by matching frequency patterns or finding a resonant match between the substance and what is in the body. If there is a match, the same energetic frequency of the substance can be detected in the body.

In testing for an allergy against peanuts for example, say, the energetic frequency of peanuts is AAB and we have this energetic frequency in the bioresonance machine. We can now test if AAB (peanut allergy) is present in the body. If it is present, we will find a resonant match. To remove the peanut allergy, an inverse frequency pattern of BAA (mirror image) of peanuts is fed back to the body, in effect having a cancelling effect much like how a noise cancelling headphone is able to cut off noise. Healing then can take place once the energetic frequency of peanut is cancelled.

The same principle above applies when using bioresonance therapy to remove toxic stressors such as chemical additives in food, pesticides, radiation, viruses, bacteria, etc.


Bioresonance is a natural therapy utilizing beneficial low frequencies that is inherent in our body to aid natural healing. It is painless, drug free, safe and non invasive and is gentle for even young children and the elderly. Our bioresonance machines are certified safe by the EU and is ISO certified and compliant as a medical device used for diagnosis and treatment.
We are interested in treating the root cause of your health issues, not merely addressing your symptoms as we believe getting to the root cause provides longer lasting health benefits in the long term. We supplement bioresonance therapy with nutritional advise and recommend lifestyle changes to bring about natural healing. Bioresonance has been used successfully to treat the following:

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances can affect any woman at different stages in life - from pre-menstrual pains to irregular cycles to hot flushes and insomnia. These symptoms can be helped with Bioresonance Treatment to balance the hormonal system.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Leaky gut, or "intestinal permeability," is a condition in which the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged, causing undigested food particles, toxic waste products and bacteria to "leak" through the intestines and flood the blood stream, causing inflammation that leads to stomach bloating and gas, chronic diarrhea and constipation, headaches, brain fog, migraines, eczema, rashes, auto immune diseases such as Crohn’s disease,lupus, poor immune system, excessive fatigue. There are also certain intestinal bacteria that could worsen your gastrointestinal problems. Our course of remedy is a combination of nutritional advise and supplementation with pre and probiotics in conjunction with Bioresonance therapy to neutralize the harmful bacteria in your gut.

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is a common condition in which the cavities around nasal passages (sinuses) become inflamed and swollen for at least 12 weeks. This condition interferes with drainage and causes mucus buildup and difficulty in breathing. The area around the eyes may swell and some patients report a reduced sense of smell. While conventional treatment may involve nasal sprays, anti histamines, these may offer only temporary relief. Using bioresonance therapy, we ascertain if the sinusitis is caused by allergies to certain molds, pollen, bacteria or chemical allergens and treat it accordingly.

Restless Sleep / Chronic Fatigue / Insomnia

There may be many underlying causes of restless sleep - stress, anxiety are common trigger but restless sleep in the form of insomnia could underline a more serious health problem - one that involves the adrenal system or immune system deficiency which needs to be corrected as sleep deprivation long term can suppress the immune system and lead to other more serious health problems. Other causes may be food intolerances or sub optimal organ efficacy. In Bioresonance Therapy, we help the immune system and internal organs to detox by removing the toxic stressors that may be the cause of chronic fatigue/restless sleep. We do this by re-balancing the energetic frequency of each internal organs so that they function at the most optimal frequency ranges. Our latest technology incorporates Binaural Sound Therapy and Bach Flower Remedies to help patients relax and sleep better too.

Rheumatic Pains

Rheumatic diseases affect your joints tendons, ligaments, bones, and muscles. Among them are the many types of arthritis, a term used for conditions that affect your joints. Common symptoms include:

-Joint pain/Muscle cramps -Loss of motion in a joint or joints -Inflammation -- swelling, redness, and warmth in a joint or affected area

We administer pain programs to provide some relief but more importantly, in bioresonance, our aim is to treat inflammation in the body through a holistic approach using frequency treatment, pain management and dietary advise.

All Allergies

Allergies can come from exposure to air, food, water, external substances like pollen, heavy metals, chemicals, neurotoxin from metabolism and reactions from pesticides, bacteria, molds, etc. With bioresonance, we are able to find out within minutes if you are allergic to any of the substances by using a simple test with high accuracy to match the frequency resonance of the substance with body and treat it.

Hives / Acne / Eczema / Psoriasis

Conventional treatment of these skin problems may involve the use of cortisol creams and anti histamines. With bioresonance therapy, we first run through a series of allergens to identify the main root cause of your skin issues. In the case of hives, it could result from intolerances to wheat, milk, molds, sugar, certain medication, food preservatives… etc. Once we have identified these possible causes, we use frequencies to reverse the allergic responses. Our treatment protocol will be different depending on our diagnosis, we do not dispense any medication but we may recommend supplementation and nutritional/dietary changes to help your body to heal. Many of our clients have eczema and based on our experience, the root causes can be attributed to food intolerances, poor liver-kidney detoxification, poor diet, lifestyle habits and nutritional deficiencies which we correct in tandem with bioresonance therapy.

Food Intolerances

Wheat, milk & dairy products, soy, eggs, seafood intolerances are common but there are lesser known intolerances to pharmaceutical drugs, food additives, preservatives and many more. Bioresonance therapy can desensitize these intolerances with repeated treatment and abstinence during the treatment period. Once the intolerances are desensitized, ingestion of the said substance will reduce the reactions.


In the bioresonance therapy modules, aside from ascertaining the root cause of migraines, we offer some relief with our patented NOVA frequency programs to reduce both acute and chronic pains.